Classic Works and Responses

This page will be dedicated to creating an annotated bibliography of classic works in CP and responses to them. 

Globalization and Democracy - No One Agrees
- The link to tables outlining the disagreement about how Globalization affects (or doesn't affect) Democracy

The Resource Curse - The Evolution of the Debate 
- The link to my annoted bibliography on this topic

Making Democracy Work - Contradicting Causal Arrows
- The link to my MDW page (emphasis on the contradicting evidence on the role of Civil Society on the performance of democratic institutional performance)

States and Social Revolutions by Theda Skocpol, Cambridge University Press 1979
-link to my SSR Page

Transitions from Authoritarian Rule: Tentative Conclusions about Uncertain Democracies by O'Donnell & Schmitter 1986
- A link to a summary of the book in quotes

"What Do We Know About Democratization After Twenty Years" By Barbera Geddes (1999)
- A link to a summary of the article in quotes

"Transition to Democracy: Toward a Dynamic Model" (AKA Hot Family Feud)  By Dankward Rustow (1970)
- Link to a summary of the article

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